Religious Frames of Reference in the Psychological Construction of Identity

Published 2021-01-28


  • Pierre-Yves Brandt Institut de sciences sociales des religions, Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions, Université de Lausanne


After dismissing the idea that innate traits of personality predispose to being religious, a theory of identity as resulting from a process of construction is sketched using three approaches: research in social psychology and sociology, a core-periphery model of identity, and the concept of narrative identity. The role of using religious references in the construction of identity is then illustrated by empirical research in three areas: the formation of religious identity in the transition to adulthood, the resources for coping with difficulties in the life course, the role of narratives in the construction of religious identity. The presentation concludes with the resulting social responsibilities, showing what psychological impact public governance in these areas can have.

How to Cite

Brandt, P.-Y. 2021. Religious Frames of Reference in the Psychological Construction of Identity. Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie. 152, 4 (Jan. 2021), 357–377. DOI:


