From the Théologie du Cœur to the Théologie Réelle: Mysticism According to Pierre Poiret

Published 2021-05-03


  • Mariel Mazzocco Faculté de théologie, Université de Genève


Pastor, theologian, Cartesian philosopher and editor of spiritual writings, Pierre Poiret occupies a special and original status in the history of religious ideas: he embodies the “passeur spirituel” whose mission is to transmit to posterity the heritage of mystical authors. Poiret is not a mystic, but a specialist in mystical theology. But what does the word mystic mean to a French Protestant from the Refuge residing in Holland? By what means, according to Poiret, can mystical theology be taken out of its niche and addressed to a wider public, regardless of the confessions? And to what extent does his activity as an editor fit in with the quarrels over mysticism that marked the end of the 17th century? These are the questions this article attempts to answer.

How to Cite

Mazzocco, M. 2021. From the <i>Théologie du Cœur</i> to the <i>Théologie Réelle</i>: Mysticism According to Pierre Poiret. Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie. 153, 1 (May 2021), 37–48. DOI:



Pierre Poiret