Is Poiret a Precursor?

Published 2021-05-03


  • Marjolaine Chevallier Faculté de théologie protestante de Strasbourg


In which fields, we ask, was Pierre Poiret a precursor? This article explores three major themes in the work and thinking of this atypical figure of early modern Protestantism: 1. the theme of desire, a constitutive element of the human being, which according to Poiret is stretched out towards God and can only find its appeasement and fulfilment in God alone; 2. the important place he gives to women, sometimes affirming their superiority over men in the spiritual field; 3. his ecumenical approach ante litteram, for the field in which one certainly does not err in taking Poiret as a precursor is that which we now call ecumenism: it is original in a time of painful conflicts.

How to Cite

Chevallier, M. 2021. Is Poiret a Precursor?. Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie. 153, 1 (May 2021), 7–17. DOI:



Pierre Poiret